This list could easily be 100 items long, but I could only fit 6 on the graphic….

This list could easily be 100 items long, but I could only fit 6 on the graphic….

This list could easily be 100 items long, but I could only fit 6 on the graphic. ? There is a ton of information out there regarding how to lose weight, but in my opinion, these are the most important… 1) The single most important rule: you need to be in a caloric deficit to…

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love fruit. And it makes me sad that we…

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love fruit. And it makes me sad that we…

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love fruit. And it makes me sad that we’ve gotten to the point where people are afraid to eat fruit because of the sugar content. I purposely did not include macros in this guide. Why? Because people immediately become terrified when they see the sugar content. Meanwhile,…

In the words of drunk Jim Halpert: Aw, nuts!⠀
Post by @cheatdaydesign⠀
Nuts a…

In the words of drunk Jim Halpert: Aw, nuts!⠀ Post by @cheatdaydesign⠀ -⠀ Nuts a…

In the words of drunk Jim Halpert: Aw, nuts!⠀ Post by @cheatdaydesign✨⠀ -⠀ Nuts are one of the those snacks that are absolutely healthy, but wayyy easy to over-consume. While most serving sizes are a small handful, it’s easy to enjoy multiple servings without even realizing it.⠀ ⠀ Weighing out your portion might not be…