Spring is almost here, so now is the perfect time for a refreshing, icy smoothie to boost your health and energy!

Spring is almost here, so now is the perfect time for a refreshing, icy smoothie to boost your health and energy!

With Spring right around the corner, a nice cold nourishing smoothie hits the spot! Enjoy! Infographic by @confessionofadietitian Ah, spring is almost here – the perfect time for a refreshing, cold smoothie to satisfy your cravings! Just imagine sipping on a delicious blend of fruits and veggies, feeling re-energized and ready to take on the…

Wishing I was cozying up with this ramen on this icy Saturday  Not sure why Toro…

Wishing I was cozying up with this ramen on this icy Saturday Not sure why Toro…

Wishing I was cozying up with this ramen on this icy Saturday ? Not sure why Toronto is having an ice storm mid April, but hey, if it means more time eating ramen, soups and curries then I guess it can’t be all bad ?‍♀️ My boyfriend and I made this ramen the other night…