because no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jer…

because no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jer…

because no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jerry.⠀ ⠀ ‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of shit-people-feel-pressured-to-stop-doing-to-be-fitness. (Alongside beige food and having a fully functioning social life.)⠀ ⠀ I thought I’d give you my unsolicited thoughts;⠀ ⠀ 1. Food is engrained in most cultures. In the…

Happy Tuesday Friends
Just kept things very simple today with my plate of jer…

Happy Tuesday Friends ~ Just kept things very simple today with my plate of jer…

Happy Tuesday Friends ? ~ Just kept things very simple today with my plate of jerk mushrooms with rice and kidney beans and the last of my kalettes! The recipe for my jerk mushrooms is already on my blog, it’s a featured recipe so you’ll find it very easily. Otherwise, just tap the link in…