This is 29 years of life. What has gotten me here? Endless moments of joy, chall…

This is 29 years of life. What has gotten me here? Endless moments of joy, chall…

This is 29 years of life. What has gotten me here? Endless moments of joy, challenging times of hardship, an enormous support system, periods of betrayal, the greatest of friendships, numerous difficult relationships, glimpses of success, large amounts of failure, gains, losses, perseverance, defeat. I’m a perfectionist and strive for excellence and yet I am…

This recipe might be one of my proudest moments as a plant-based Haligonian  I a…

This recipe might be one of my proudest moments as a plant-based Haligonian I a…

This recipe might be one of my proudest moments as a plant-based Haligonian ?? I always dreamed of a vegan version of the famous Maritime donair, coming close with a popular donair fast food restaurant in Halifax but it always lacked that quintessential donair sauce that completes the whole package ✨ enter, my VEGAN DONAIR…