I’ve been thinking a lot about Instagram lately–about what my purpose is here. …

I’ve been thinking a lot about Instagram lately–about what my purpose is here. …

I’ve been thinking a lot about Instagram lately–about what my purpose is here. I’m here to share my passion for healthy eating and to inspire others with creative ways to do so…but it doesn’t define me…there’s so much more to me than pretty plates of food. Food is my outlet to express my feelings, and…

Toast Tuesday right? For once I actually made toast on purpose on the right day …

Toast Tuesday right? For once I actually made toast on purpose on the right day …

Toast Tuesday right? For once I actually made toast on purpose on the right day ? – This one is just oil-free hummus topped with peas, tomatoes and basil. This was soo good…I want more of it just looking at this pic. – This really doesn’t deserve a recipe I don’t think, but if you’re…

My feed is starting to look very green these days, not on purpose mind you . Tod…

My feed is starting to look very green these days, not on purpose mind you . Tod…

My feed is starting to look very green these days, not on purpose mind you ?. Today’s lunch was this Thai green butter bean curry, which I ate up with brown rice. I meant to have it with noodles, but my autopilot brain cooked rice before my conscious mind realised what had happened. Seriously, I…