Which one surprised you the most?
By   @maxfit…

VEGGIES THAT ARE ACTUALLY FRUIT . Which one surprised you the most? By @maxfit…

?VEGGIES THAT ARE ACTUALLY FRUIT‼️ . Which one surprised you the most? By ? ? @maxfit . ⚠️ Botanically speaking, these common vegetables are actually fruit. The definition of a fruit, doesn’t come down to it’s sweetness…but the seeds: . ? The Merriam-Webster dictionary wrote: “Anything that grows on a plant & is the means…

Don’t be scared of eating , you’d be surprised to know that they contain a lot m…

Don’t be scared of eating , you’d be surprised to know that they contain a lot m…

Don’t be scared of eating ?, you’d be surprised to know that they contain a lot more folate and potassium per ounce than any other fruit (60% more than bananas), and they are good sources of vitamins C and E (think great skin). They are rich in fibre ?- you can get up to 14g…

Agave Nectar – Are you a fan?
I won’t be surprised if you avoid high-fructose …

Agave Nectar – Are you a fan? ~ I won’t be surprised if you avoid high-fructose …

✨Agave Nectar – Are you a fan? ~ I won’t be surprised if you avoid high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) but drizzle agave nectar on your cereal and pancakes with reckless abandon believing it is the healthier alternative HFCS and sugar. In reality, agave nectar is another fructose-rich sweetener, not much different from HFCS. ~ Unlike…