Truth is. Life can be so simply precious and hold so much value. Even with the c…

Truth is. Life can be so simply precious and hold so much value. Even with the c…

Truth is. Life can be so simply precious and hold so much value. Even with the chaos around, the fears, the unknown…JUST BE. Be here now. This is something I’m not great at quite yet but I am aware, I am open, I am here NOW and ya’ girl is trying! @thelocalwaymx truly stole my…

Happy Thursday Lovas!
Chilli + sweet potato fries! My favorite meal ever! Commen…

Happy Thursday Lovas! Chilli + sweet potato fries! My favorite meal ever! Commen…

Happy Thursday Lovas! Chilli + sweet potato fries! My favorite meal ever! Comment down below what yours is& Grab recipe below. Ingredients: Chili: 4 cups diced canned tomatoes 1 can cooked black beans 1 cup cooked brown rice (or vegan beef crumbles) 1 can cooked kidney beans 2 cups corn 1 white onion, finely chopped…

’You won’t miss the meat’ tofu burgers (oil-free), garlicky collards, tomatoes a…

’You won’t miss the meat’ tofu burgers (oil-free), garlicky collards, tomatoes a…

?’You won’t miss the meat’ tofu burgers (oil-free), garlicky collards, tomatoes and vegan ranch.? (Video in highlights.) These freeze really well. They become more delicious because the tofu texture is more meaty. They were a big hit in our household.? ?Recipe: ✅Press 1-14oz block extra-firm tofu with heavy object and paper towels to remove excess…