The High Cost of Veganism: Myth or Reality?
By @charlotttequeenYes, being vegan can be expensive, BUT…

The High Cost of Veganism: Myth or Reality? By @charlotttequeenYes, being vegan can be expensive, BUT…

Them: bEiNg vEgaN iS toO eXpeNsiVE ✨⁠⠀ By @charlotttequeen ?⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Well… yes AND no! It really comes down to what you eat. I so often fall into the cycle of spending fortunes eating out, buying delicious *expensive* tubs of almond butter, and loading my freezer up with mock meats; but the truth is you…

LAID-BACK PLANT-BASED DISHES by @charlotttequeenIs Ice Cream a Suitable Meal?

LAID-BACK PLANT-BASED DISHES by @charlotttequeenIs Ice Cream a Suitable Meal?

LAZY VEGAN MEALS ✨⁠ by @charlotttequeen ✨⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Does ice cream count as a meal cause I’m saying yes… ?These are some of my go to snacks and meals for when I. simply. cannot. be. bothered. with. life. (which is fairly often these days given the 9-5 plus studying for exams) !! ⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀…

– 1 banana⁠⠀
– 1/4 cucumber⁠⠀
– 1 cup frozen …

VERY BERRY SMOOTHIE ⁠ ⁠⠀ RECIPE:⁠⠀ – 1 banana⁠⠀ – 1/4 cucumber⁠⠀ – 1 cup frozen …

VERY BERRY SMOOTHIE ✨⁠ ⁠⠀ RECIPE:⁠⠀ – 1 banana⁠⠀ – 1/4 cucumber⁠⠀ – 1 cup frozen raspberries⁠⠀ – 1 cup frozen strawberries⁠⠀ – 1.5 cup coconut milk⁠⠀ ⁠Credit: @charlotttequeen✨⠀ —⁠⠀ #smoothie #berrysmoothie #plantbased #vegan #veganism #london #health #veganlondon #fit #breakfast #healthy #foodporn #food #healthyfood #veganbowls #whatveganseat #fitness #plantbased #veganeats #veganstudent #bestofvegan #foodie⠀ Source

LAZY VEGAN MEALS ⁠by @charlotttequeen ⠀
Does ice cream count as a meal c…

LAZY VEGAN MEALS ⁠by @charlotttequeen ⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Does ice cream count as a meal c…

LAZY VEGAN MEALS ✨⁠by @charlotttequeen ✨⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Does ice cream count as a meal cause I’m saying yes… ?These are some of my go to snacks and meals for when I. simply. cannot. be. bothered. with. life. (which is fairly often these days given the 9-5 plus studying for exams) !! ⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀…

Credit @charlotttequeen ⠀
Heads up because My …

HEALTHY BIRTHDAY CAKE SHAKE ⠀ Credit @charlotttequeen ⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Heads up because My …

HEALTHY BIRTHDAY CAKE SHAKE ?⠀ Credit @charlotttequeen ✨⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Heads up because My Protein are having a biiiig sale for Black Friday – now if that isn’t reason enough to celebrate with a healthy birthday cake shake then I don’t know what is… Use code QUEEN for 40% off this weekend and shop through the…