Give me a  if you love lemonade!  by @grapestocrepes ⠀
This is the perfect re…

Give me a if you love lemonade! by @grapestocrepes ⠀ .⠀ This is the perfect re…

Give me a ?? if you love lemonade! ?? by @grapestocrepes ✨⠀ .⠀ This is the perfect refreshing drink during the hot summer days. No added sugar, lots of taste, and a good source of vitamins A and C.⠀ .⠀ Ingredients:⠀ 2 cups watermelon⠀ 1/2 a lemon⠀ .⠀ Instructions:⠀ Place watermelon and juice of lemon…

Summertime means fruit fruit fruit!  Try it with a little light whipped cream if…

Summertime means fruit fruit fruit! Try it with a little light whipped cream if…

Summertime means fruit fruit fruit! ?????????? Try it with a little light whipped cream if you have more of a sweet tooth ? • • • • ? @collegenutritionist . . . #collegestudent #collegeproblems #graduation #eatthisnotthat #healthyswap #healthyswaps #collegenutritionist #weightlosshelp #weightlosscommunity #weightlossjourney #weightlosssuccess #caloriesmix #fruitsalad #fruitarian #watermelons #watermelon? #summerfruits Source

Give me a  if you love planning your meals.⠀
Credit @grapestocrepes ⠀

Give me a if you love planning your meals.⠀ .⠀ Credit @grapestocrepes ⠀ —⠀ This…

Give me a ?? if you love planning your meals.⠀ .⠀ Credit @grapestocrepes ✨⠀ —⠀ This breakfast requires minimal effort which is what I’m all about! Be sure to add the ingredients to your grocery list this weekend. Also, I’m trying to eat as much watermelon before the season is over! Yeah, they have watermelon…