Green, green, and more green Spinach Linguini with Edamame & Basil (fresh from t…

Green, green, and more green Spinach Linguini with Edamame & Basil (fresh from t…

Green, green, and more green ?Spinach Linguini with Edamame & Basil (fresh from the garden) ?recipe link in my bio by the great Isa Chandra. I made this for the #vegancookalong ’cause I’m still waiting for Isa’s 10th Anniversary Edition of Veganomicon to arrive at my doorstep in 5 days…but whose counting ?. See what others are making from Vegnomicon at the #vegancookalong and feel free to join our virtual cookbook club. It’s fun, fun, and more fun ?


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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