Lets talk about hair?!
I have been vegan for 4+ years now and since becoming veg…

Lets talk about hair?! I have been vegan for 4+ years now and since becoming veg…

Lets talk about hair?!
I have been vegan for 4+ years now and since becoming vegan I have been committed to finding the best, natural beauty products that are ALWAYS cruelty free & free of any animal products. So personally my hair is dark brown with some lovely gray hairs (its genetics… thanks dad). SO…finding a product that is natural ingredients, vegan and cruelty free is always so exciting for me. I want my hair to thrive in its natural way but I also like to feel confident so rn its having black hair and having my grays covered up! @suryabrasilbeauty Henna cream (I use color black… there’s 16 different colors) has been a game changer for my hair… covers my gray hairs, no harsh chemicals (doesn’t contain ammomia and ammonia.. And by product of ammonia like diethalonamine, triethalonamina and ethalonamine) my hair is being exposed to and the results are really bomb! 
@suryabrasilbeauty Henna Cream is available in @sprouts markets! •

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