Throwing it back to this AMAZING homemade pho-inspired dish I made yesterday aft…

Throwing it back to this AMAZING homemade pho-inspired dish I made yesterday aft…

Throwing it back to this AMAZING homemade pho-inspired dish I made yesterday after my 12 mile hilly run ?? •To make: broil 1 onion (cut in half) and a 2 inch piece of ginger (cut in half) for about 5 minutes. Add to a pot with 4L of veggie stock, 1/4 tsp cloves, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 3/4 tsp coriander. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, take out onion and ginger. Add in ramen noodles and cook as per package instructions, plus 1 tbsp of soy sauce. Add toppings of your choice- I added sriracha, bean sprouts, and lime juice? voila! A delicious, easy pho-inspired dish ? enjoy!


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