For those intending to reduce overall caloric intake in order to reduce fat, the…

For those intending to reduce overall caloric intake in order to reduce fat, these calorie saving meat swaps may provide such opportunities. ⁣⁣
One immediate observation with these meat sources is that, apart from the bacon medallions, the lower calorie alternatives are also higher in protein. For example, if we compare the chicken thighs and breast in more detail, we see that 200g of thigh gets 144 of it’s calories from protein and the remaining 178 from fat. Whereas the breast gets 192 of its calories from protein and the remaining 18 from fat. Thus, the breast has significantly higher protein density per calorie. ⁣⁣
As there are no carbohydrate present in fresh meat/poultry – the calories will always derive from protein or fat. Whilst looking at the total calorie content of a product, you can therefore ascertain its protein density in relation to its calories. If protein is value is low, we can understand that it contains a higher amount of fat. If protein is high, we know it contains a lower amount of fat.⁣⁣
All of the items on the top row can of course be enjoyed as part of a balanced, protein rich diet. But if consumed regularly whilst aiming to be in a calorie deficit, you may want to consider swapping some of the top row for the bottom row. You will be experiencing similar taste, but metabolising fewer calories (which is ideal for a fat loss target). ⁣⁣
Small incremental changes make the overall big change easier. Interestingly, if one swapped the top row for the bottom row on each of these meats for one week, they would reduce their caloric intake by 816 calories instantly. ⁣⁣
If compositional management is the goal, small change which induces a big impact increases likelihood of sustainability. These swaps offer an opportunity for you to significantly alter your calorie intake without the significant hassle of overwhelming, planned calorie restriction. ?⁣
-⁣⁣ @hefitnesschef_

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