In 4 Wochen zum Sixpack mit diesen Übungen
Sixpack: Diese 4 Fitnessübungen machen es möglich! #sport #fitness #wellness #sixpack
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Sixpack: Diese 4 Fitnessübungen machen es möglich! #sport #fitness #wellness #sixpack
RECEITA: Escondidinho de frango cremoso Dukan Ingredientes: 700g de queijo cottage; 100g de mozarela light; 600g de peito de frango desfiado; 200g de requeijão zero; tempero a gosto. Eu usei chimichurri, pimenta calabresa e ervas finas da @estreladacozinha Modo de fazer: cozinhar o frango com os condimentos que achar melhor e reserve; misturar pimenta calabresa…
Dün akşam saatlerinde bunlardan yiyordum cok ısrar etti annem emek vermis kıramadım? Ama bugün 10bin adım hedefi koydum ve sebze agırlıklı beslenip bol detox suyu içcem insallah???? Source
Λεμονοταρτάκια από την Βασούλα! Δοκιμάστε την καινούργια μας συνταγή την οποία θα βρείτε στο ➡️ Καλή και γλυκιά εβδομάδα να έχετε! ? #dukansgirls #dukanforever #dukanlifestyle #dukanlife #linkinbio #dukan #dukandiet #dukanfood #dukandieta #dukanrecipes Source
The 8 Best Foods to DETOX your body! This list is full of foods perfect for kickstarting weight loss and healthy detoxing after the holidays! #detox #detoxfoods #howtodetox Source by simplyquinoa
An unmistakable Chickpea Curry recipe {express, healthy, vegan, gluten free and lactose free!} Thermomix on Yummix • The culinary blog dedicated to Thermomix! Source by bungeebiron
Fettuccine Alfredo is simply the perfect feel-good dish! My Pasta Alfredo is incredibly creamy and delicious, without any butter and cream. One of my favorite pasta recipes! #vegan #vegetarian #noodles via Source by natalievacek