TAHINI Cookie Dough Bars Gluten free, dairy free, vegan, NO BAKE, refined sugar…

TAHINI Cookie Dough Bars ?
Gluten free, dairy free, vegan, NO BAKE, refined sugar free, and super easy to make!
Let me break it down for you: bottom layer of soft cookie dough, safe to eat raw of course! Topped with a layer of tahini fudge and finished with dark chocolate and a sprinkle of sea salt ? I’m such a fan of no bake recipes because, in the summer, turning on the oven is such a chore. It’s hot enough as it is, no need to add more fuel to fire… so i hope you guys love this recipe as much as I do. The full recipe is up on the blog so go check out the link in my bio ?? Hope you guys have the best Monday! I’m in full packing mode and I feel A LOT overwhelmed, but at least I have these to keep me company ??‍♀️

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