Which of these did you need to see most today?! Comment below!
You have permi

Which of these did you need to see most today?! Comment below! . You have permi

Which of these did you need to see most today?! Comment below!
You have permi

Which of these did you need to see most today?! ❤️Comment below!??
You have permission to STOP doing all of these things.?‍♀️
?Use the full banana. It’s not too many carbs or too much sugar.
?You don’t need to count the almonds (or peanut or cashews or whatever) you eat to keep you from eating “too much”.
?Goodness gracious you do NOT need to log your food! Seriously.
?You can 180% eat after 8pm. If you’re hungry PLEASE do!
?Chugging water before a meal can falsely make you feel “full” but our bodies are smart. That hunger is going to come back with vengeance. Ya can’t trick it forever. Stay hydrated, yes, but eat.
?The scale doesn’t determine your worth. It’ll change if you have or haven’t pooped. It’ll change based on the day, the weather, the way the wind blows. It’s futile. But man it can drive you insane!
I get how conditioned we are that we NEED to do all of these things. I did them for years. Religiously. If I DIDN’T do one of these? ?Bless my then-boyfriend-now-husband cause I would be cranky AF!?
It’s hard to stop, I know. But know that you can. And it’s SO freeing when you do! ?Learn to listen to your body. Learn to eat mindfully and enjoy food. Learn to make peace with your body and stop trying to use is as an effort to gain control over something in life. These things we feel like are giving us control are actually taking it. You got this. ? I’m your cheerleader!
I know it can be V hard to break all of the rules we’ve created. Like, seem damn near impossible! So if that’s what you’re thinking don’t worry I gotchu- link in bio to join the 5 day diet detox challenge to learn to become an intuitive eater. We’re on day 3 but you can catch up!

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