Haferflockenkekse mit Apfel
Haferflockenkekse mit Apfel | 18 Portionen, 1 SmartPoint/Portion, Weigt Watchers, fertig in 35 min.
Source by e_gross2622
Haferflockenkekse mit Apfel | 18 Portionen, 1 SmartPoint/Portion, Weigt Watchers, fertig in 35 min.
Source by e_gross2622
[ad_1] Low Carb Nudeln selbstgemacht Mehr [ad_2] Source by alex7573 ALSO READ Gamelle pour le boulot! Aujourd’hui c’est journée poisson #regime #regimeuse #d…
[ad_1] A fabulous Indian curry with oven roasted cauliflower and a spicy creamy tomato based sauce. It tastes like a vegetarian tikka masala. It’s an easy and healthy meal that’s low carb, keto, and gluten free. Great for weeknight dinners! Click the pin to find the recipe, nutrition facts, cooking tips, & more photos. #healthy…
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[ad_1] Сырники! 1,5 ДОПа ?400 гр творога(у меня зернистый); ?2 яйца; ?1 ст.л КК с горкой-20 гр; 1 ДОП; ?1 ст.л СОМ – 15 гр;1/2 ДОПа; ?1 ст.л изолята – 20 гр; ?1 ст.л клейковины без горки ~15 гр; ?1 ч.л разрыхлителя; ?сахзам, щепотка соли, ванилин на кончике ножа; ?1 ст.л масла; Творог смешиваем с…
[ad_1] Sure they’re great after a workout, but these plant-based protein powders also make a great healthy addition to oatmeal and smoothies. Vegan or not, it’s a great way to get more protein in your life! avocadu.com/… [ad_2] Source by avocadulife ALSO READ Gamelle pour le boulot! Aujourd’hui c’est journée poisson #regime #regimeuse #d…
[ad_1] Been visiting several restaurants carrying my own pack of Shirataki Noodles and requesting them to replace their noodles/pasta with my Zero Calorie version. . Manhattan Fish Market and @89mandalaymeeshay have done fabulously, sticking to their original taste but making it healthier and low carb version just for me! So happy!! ?? ? ?? ?…