Happy Monday, frens! ‘Twas gloots & hams work with @hannahlifts on this fine Mon…

Happy Monday, frens! ‘Twas gloots & hams work with @hannahlifts on this fine Mon…

Happy Monday, frens! ‘Twas gloots & hams work with @hannahlifts on this fine Mon…

Happy Monday, frens! ‘Twas gloots & hams work with @hannahlifts on this fine Monday. Started the week off right with some BOMB client check ins @herhustlellc & packaging @manecothreads orders, and getting a mini restock ready by popular demand! (Btw we sold out of *almost* everything in a day and my heart can’t take it? THANK YOU) ALSO, new stuff issssa COMIN! (Guys too!!) AND I got my talented vid/photographer back in my life so YOUTUBE YAY! Catch up now & get ready for more to come? –
I’m editing one now, but feel free to drop any vid ideas below?

YT: Kerigan Pike
?: @hannahlifts



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