Hauchzarte Low Carb Mandelkekse
Hauchzarte Low Carb Mandelkekse ohne Zucker ohne Mehl
Source by textores135
Hauchzarte Low Carb Mandelkekse ohne Zucker ohne Mehl
Source by textores135
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[ad_1] Healthy and delicious Salad! ? ——————————————– ✔1 carrot (about 70-100 gramm) ✔cheese low fat (70gramm) ✔boiled chicken breast 120 gramm ✔2 cloves of garlic ✔yogurt 2 tbsp (80 gramm) ✔salt Grate carrot and cheese. Cut chicken into small pieces. Peel and chop garlic. Place all ingridients in a bowl, fill with yougurt and mix….
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