Herbstsalat mit Birnen, Walnüssen & Bacon
Mit #Birne und #Bacon perfekt für den Herbst! #Salat
Source by kitchenstories
Mit #Birne und #Bacon perfekt für den Herbst! #Salat
Source by kitchenstories
Emergencies, whether they are natural disasters, power outages, or unforeseen crises, can strike at any time. Being prepared is essential, and one of the most crucial aspects of emergency preparedness is having an adequate food supply. Knowing what foods to stock up on and how to do it effectively can make all the difference in…
[ad_1] Perfekter Sommersalat. Rezept gesund und lecker: Feldsalat mit gebratenem Pfirsich und Mozzarella. [ad_2] Source by gernekochen ALSO READ Which would you pick?
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[ad_1] Another easy 10 minute lunch! ??Baked wild salmon seasoned with olive oil, lemon and ground black pepper with a fried egg cooked in avocado oil, sautéed garlic mushrooms, spinach and half an avocado. I cooked the egg, spinach and mushrooms one after another in a non stick pan (no need to dirty up more…
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