Recipe: Juicy carrot cake with "little" sugar – vegan
A simple recipe for a very juicy vegan carrot cake with little sugar. The kitchen contains "only" 70 grams of sugar.
Source by hortelmausbabar
A simple recipe for a very juicy vegan carrot cake with little sugar. The kitchen contains "only" 70 grams of sugar.
Source by hortelmausbabar
[ad_1] 8 Simple Moves To Get Rid of Thigh Gap Fat – Health and Fitness [ad_2] Source by gritwinklersimmeth ALSO READ RECEITA – Bolo de Mousse de Limão DukanIngredientes:1- Bolo: 250ml de requeij…
[ad_1] Buddha Bowl Guide – so bereitet man eine köstliche Buddha Bowl zu #buddhabowl #gesunderezepte [ad_2] Source by elamahler ALSO READ RECEITA – Bolo de Mousse de Limão DukanIngredientes:1- Bolo: 250ml de requeij…
[ad_1] É TPM que fala? Nada de tentações! É mousse fake de morango! Dissolva uma pacote de gelatina diet de morango em 150 ml de água. Bata no liquidificador com 9 pedras de gelo e 5 colheres de leite em pó desnatado, até ficar cremoso. 2 minutos no freezer e pronto pra comer! @dukanevida ….
[ad_1] BAKED TOMATOES are a super fast and super easy side dish or appetizer … – #BAKED #delivery #a # or #sind [ad_2] Source by recipesblogm ALSO READ RECEITA – Bolo de Mousse de Limão DukanIngredientes:1- Bolo: 250ml de requeij…
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[ad_1] 2019.4.20 號稱歐包界不可少的的「魔法銅板」到貨,昨天試做。銅板不預熱,烤箱內不鏽鋼板預熱約25分鐘,麵團倒在銅板上,割線進烤箱。 . 烤出來的麵包,表面焦度,尤其是底部,比以往深,之前用250度,溫度才夠,看來下次可以降溫10-20度烤,應該可行。內部洞孔,也比以往均勻漂亮。銅板最大的賣點,就是要那迷人的表面張力開口,昨天的麵包開口不算太大,寬度也有四五公分,但是高水量的麵團,這樣的結果,應該算還好吧~ . 跟使用節能板比起來,還好銅板沒有讓我太失望! . . . . —。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。— 來看看煮婦經常跑跳的鎌倉,有什麼好玩的新鮮事 寫生活之新粉絲頁 FB:煮婦在鎌倉。散步だより IG : @we55snap 歡迎參觀 —。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。—。— . . #魔法銅板 #天然酵母 #levain #ルヴァン種 #自家製酵母 #自家製酵母パン #ハードパン #歐包 #boschmum4 #boschmum #we早起吃早餐 #早餐 #breakfast #morningslikethese #cookingathome #kitchenlife #あさごはん #朝ごはん #朝食 #healthyfood #healthymenu #eatingathome #homecooking #おうちごはん #onthetable #foodphoto #KURASHIRU #KAUMO #foodstagram #we自家製麵包 [ad_2] Source ALSO…