Cherry Peach Crisp. It’s summer here in the United States which means lots of fr…
Cherry Peach Crisp. It’s summer here in the United States which means lots of fruit is in season. These peaches and cherries were on sale at the store so I decided to throw something together as a nice summer treat @themealprepmanual
2 peaches
1/4 lb (115g) sweet cherries
3 tbsp (63g) honey
1 tsp (5mL) lemon juice
1 tbsp (7.5g) tapioca flour or cornstarch
1/2 cup +3tbsp (55g) oats
1/4 cup (25g) oat flour
2 tbsp (30g) coconut oil
1 tsp (4mL) vanilla
2 tbsp (10g) fat free whipped cream
1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Wash and cut your peaches into slices. No need to peel. Pit the cherries and cut in half.
3. In a large bowl add the peaches, cherries, tapioca flour, 1 tbsp honey, and lemon juice. Mix and allow to macerate while you make the topping.
4. In a separate bowl mix the oats, oat flour, melted coconut oil, 2 tbsp of honey, and vanilla.
5. Add the fruit to an 8in cast iron skillet. Top with the oat mixture.
6. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until the top has browned.
7. Top with whipped cream if you wish.
8. Makes 4 servings. nutrition per serving – 248 CALS. 40g C | 4g P | 8g F
❓I don’t like cherries, what do I do?
❗️Swap the cherries or peaches with literally any fruit you want sans melon probably. Congratulations you now have a dessert of your favorite fruit.
❓What can I swap oat flour for?
❗️Regular flour.
❓I don’t have any cast iron pans.
❗️Use any dish that is oven safe.
❓How many servings does this make?
❗️It says 4 servings in the image. It says 4 servings in the caption. Why do you do this to me? You guys know these questions make me want to drink bleach. Serving sizes are arbitrary anyway. Eat as much or as little as you want.
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