Sweet Chili Tempeh Stir Fry with Vegetable Fried Rice .Happy Friday friends!! …

Sweet Chili Tempeh Stir Fry with Vegetable Fried Rice .Happy Friday friends!! …


Sweet Chili Tempeh Stir Fry with Vegetable Fried Rice ??
Happy Friday friends!! ?? Who else is excited the weekend is here? We started school and activities this week so was a weeee bit of a transition, so I’m welcoming some rest for the long weekend ???
Picked up some tempeh this week at the store, so was pumped to try out some recipes with it. For some reason, I had been going through an unintentional no-tempeh time of my life ?
But here’s a fun and sweet (and a bit spicy) tempeh dish, served with a really easy fried rice. ????
1 package tempeh, steamed for 10 min and cut into chunks
Tempeh Marinade:
2 T and 2 tsp coconut aminos
4 tsp rice vinegar
4 tsp agave
2 tsp sesame oil
1.5 tsp chili garlic sauce
2 minced garlic cloves

1 tsp cornstarch mixed with 1.5 tsp water for slurry, set aside

Veggies for tempeh: 1/2 onion diced, 1 8 oz. package mushrooms, 1 bell pepper sliced

1.5 T sesame oil
1/2 medium onion finely chopped
3 minced garlic cloves
2 1/4 cups cooked rice
2 T coconut aminos
2 1/3 cup cooked rice
1.5 T rice vinegar
1/4 tsp dried ginger
1 cup chopped steamed broccoli florets
1/2 cup cooked peas
Cashews optional

For tempeh, whisk marinade ingredients in large bowl. Add tempeh, toss, let sit for 30 min. In large pan, add bit of sesame oil, mushrooms and onion, cook 5 min. Add bell peppers and marinated tempeh (keep remaining liquid in bowl). Cook for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add slurry to marinade in bowl, whisk. Push everything in pan to the side and add in the marinade, let cook (bubbly) for a minute, then toss it all. Ready to serve.
For Rice, add oil to pan, along with onions and garlic. Cook 3 minutes, careful not to burn garlic. Add rice, cooking 3 min and stirring often. Add other ingredients, stir, serve. .
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