Weight loss vs. weight gain with Shepherd’s Pie with Roasted Sweet Potatoes from…

Weight loss vs. weight gain with Shepherd’s Pie with Roasted Sweet Potatoes from…


Weight loss vs. weight gain with Shepherd’s Pie with Roasted Sweet Potatoes from page 28 of The Meal Prep Manual – 2nd Edition eBook @themealprepmanual ⁣

This meal always surprises me when I make it. It never looks all that good when I’m making it and it’s not the prettiest dish when plated but it always tastes incredible. This dish is super palatable and filling and it is one of the best dishes I’ve found for meal prep. It keeps extremely well in the fridge or freezer and it can be customized in many different ways. The potato on top is actually a mixture of potatoes and cauliflower to get an extra serving of vegetables in. When you mix it with the meat, you can’t taste the cauliflower AT ALL. I also use frozen mixed vegetables in the meat mixture. They are similar in size to the ground beef so you can trick your mouth into thinking they aren’t vegetables because they feel similar. Using frozen vegetables also helps cut down on prep time. ⁣

On the weight loss side I used a higher ratio of cauliflower to potatoes and ground turkey instead of beef. It’s a super easy way to lower the caloric load without changing the flavor a whole lot. The weight gain side has more liberal use of olive oil in the cooking which adds more of calories.⁣ This is a great meal for those of you trying to gain weight. It’s super palatable and easy to manipulate calories in any way. ⁣
As with all of these posts, the weight loss and weight gain will be different from person to person. I know some people wouldn’t gain weight eating a days worth of the meal on the right. It’s a visual. It’s for people to see what it COULD look like. Weight gain and weight loss are functions of calorie balance. Calorie balance looks vastly different for a 5 foot woman than it does for a 7 foot man. Everyone’s different. Adjust as needed. ⁣

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