This week is GNOCCH(ing) me to my knees, I feel like every time I try to make a …
This week is GNOCCH(ing) me to my knees, I feel like every time I try to make a stride forward my to-do list just doubles. Thank goodness for prepping some baked @traderjoes gnocchi this week and for this CILANTRO-SESAME-CASHEW pesto and HONEY SOY glazed salmon. If you saw my stories, I’m working on a blog post compiling all of my sauces and pasta sauces…damn there’s A LOT. So why not add one more ? Recipe below. Happy Wednesday all, hope you’re having a fantastic day. •
Deets: @salmonandsable wild salmon glazed in honey soy (coat @salmonandsable in a glaze made of 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of tamari soy sauce and sear in 1 tablespoon of oil on medium heat for 3 minutes per side.) Greens, sautéed sugar snap pear in sesame oil/salt/pepper, watermelon radish, cauliflower gnocchi baked on 450 tossed in oil and using cast iron shaking every few mins for about 15 mins until crispy. Pesto: 1 head cilantro, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon cashew butter, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon coconut aminos, 2 tablespoons lime juice, salt and pepper. Process until smooth (I used my @mealthy immersion blender).
#salmon #cauliflowergnocchi #foodblogger #eatarainbow #kaylaitsines #iamwellandgood #cuisinesworld #healthyeats #wholesome #goodmoodfood #glutenfree #wholefoods #feedfeed #paleodiet #dairyfree #foodphotography #functionalfood #chefsofinstagram #simplemeals #tastingtable #cleaneating #foodfreedom #healthylunch #healthyrecipes #avocado #feedyoursoull #mealprep #pesto #makesmewhole