Vegan cashew-almond cream cheese pineapple rounds. Recipe: Soak 1/2 cup (slivere…

Vegan cashew-almond cream cheese pineapple rounds. Recipe: Soak 1/2 cup (slivere…

?Vegan cashew-almond cream cheese pineapple rounds. ?Recipe: Soak 1/2 cup (slivered+blanched) almonds and 3/4 cup cashews in water overnight. Blend in high-speed blender with 1/2 cup non-dairy yogurt, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp onion powder, pinch garlic powder, 1-1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar, salt to taste. . o please check it out. ?My little girl wanted some pineapple slices for her World Cup-watching snack yesterday so I added some good fat with this cashew-almond cream cheese.
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