Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards (Oil-free + good fat from …

Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards (Oil-free + good fat from …

[ad_1] ?Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards? (Oil-free + good fat from peanut butter.)? A lot of you have been asking me for this recipe. It’s way down my feed so I think it’s hard to find. Here it is again! Sometimes you gotta bring back the good oldies. They get lost down…

’You won’t miss the meat’ tofu burgers (oil-free), garlicky collards, tomatoes a…

’You won’t miss the meat’ tofu burgers (oil-free), garlicky collards, tomatoes a…

[ad_1] ?’You won’t miss the meat’ tofu burgers (oil-free), garlicky collards, tomatoes and vegan ranch.? (Video in highlights.) These freeze really well. They become more delicious because the tofu texture is more meaty. They were a big hit in our household.? ?Recipe: ✅Press 1-14oz block extra-firm tofu with heavy object and paper towels to remove…

West African Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards (Oil-free + g…

West African Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards (Oil-free + g…

[ad_1] ?West African Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards? (Oil-free + good fat from peanut butter.) I’ve been wanting to post this delicious stew for a while but wanted to get my recipe just right. I’m happy with it now?. ?Do you know…some people actually called the police about their IG being down!…