Tofu  Bok Choy  Dumplings!  we’re in love!
To find the  (& all of the  featured …

Tofu Bok Choy Dumplings! we’re in love! To find the (& all of the featured …

[ad_1] Tofu ? Bok Choy ? Dumplings! @woon.heng we’re in love! ?To find the #recipe, (& all of the #Vegan#recipes featured on this account) click the link in profile ?Featured on the Dumplings Feed on our Website | ⭐Keep tagging “#feedfeed @thefeedfeed” and REGISTER on for a chance to be featured here and…

We’re drooling over  Buffalo Chickpea and Broccoli Flatbreads! We’ll take two pl…

We’re drooling over Buffalo Chickpea and Broccoli Flatbreads! We’ll take two pl…

[ad_1] We’re drooling over @dishingouthealth’s Buffalo Chickpea and Broccoli Flatbreads! We’ll take two please!! ?? ?To find the #recipe, (& all of the #Vegan#recipes featured on this account) click the link in profile ?Featured on the Broccoli Feed on our Website | (Feed edited by @amytisch) ⭐Keep tagging “#feedfeed @thefeedfeed” and REGISTER on…

Gimme greens, the full load please!
These dainty spinach-spirulina crêpes combi…

Gimme greens, the full load please! These dainty spinach-spirulina crêpes combi…

[ad_1] Gimme greens, the full load please! These dainty spinach-spirulina crêpes combined with freshly made rucola pesto, Spanish avocado ? and shaved celery stalks, sprinkled with Kerstins @unterwegs_und_zuhause dukkha, turned into a flavorful lunch. Next will be pink I guess 🙂 Happy FriYay! Napkin: oft from Kerstin, backdrop & linencloht: @contra_punkt ……………………. Gebt mir Grünes,…

Pasta with red lentils & quinoa
Freeze dried sweet corn & peas
Vegan sa…

DINNER: Pasta with red lentils & quinoa Freeze dried sweet corn & peas Vegan sa…

[ad_1] DINNER: ?Pasta with red lentils & quinoa ? Freeze dried sweet corn & peas ?Vegan sausage • • • #vegan #veganbaby #raisingvegankids #veganparenting #healthyfood #veganfood #healthylifestyle #crueltyfree #plantbased #whatveganseat #daycarelunch #veganlunch #kindylunch #vegansofig #vegansofinsta #nodeadanimals #rainbowfood #eattherainbow #tastetherainbow? #pasta #lentils #quinoa #redlentils #peasandcorn #vegansausage #mockmeat [ad_2] Source

How nourishing and delish this looks!!! ? This is Post Workout Nourish Bowl ?Ch…

[ad_1] How nourishing and delish this looks!!! ? This is @healthyeating_jo’s Post Workout Nourish Bowl ?Chickpeas, Avocado ? steamed broccoli ? brown rice ? and curry spiced cauliflower. All topped with hot sauce ? . Thanks @veganbowls for sharing!!! #veganbowl #buddhabowl #plantpowered #vegansofig #veganfoodshare #plantbased #healthy #veganfoodshare #whatveganseat #veganfood #crueltyfree #eatclean #cleaneating #healthyfood [ad_2]…

Twirl, twirl, twirl, slurrp!  Creamy Mushroom and Leek Stroganoff is our dinner …

Twirl, twirl, twirl, slurrp! Creamy Mushroom and Leek Stroganoff is our dinner …

[ad_1] Twirl, twirl, twirl, slurrp! @rainbowplantlife’s Creamy Mushroom and Leek Stroganoff is our dinner tonight! ?To find the #recipe, (& all of the #Vegan#recipes featured on this account) click the link in profile ?Featured on the Vegan Pasta on our Website | (Feed edited by @rachelgurjar) ⭐Keep tagging “#feedfeed @thefeedfeed” and REGISTER on…