YOU GUYS!!!! I HAVE EXCITING NEWS!  I will be teaching a cooking demo / recipe a…

YOU GUYS!!!! I HAVE EXCITING NEWS! I will be teaching a cooking demo / recipe a…

[ad_1] YOU GUYS!!!! I HAVE EXCITING NEWS! I will be teaching a cooking demo / recipe at @libfestival in central California this May! am so honored and stoked to have this opportunity. I Will be teaching how to make these ? in the learning kitchen! Let me know if any of you planning on going?!…

Final result of my impromptu cooking demo. The only thing I haven’t showed you i…

Final result of my impromptu cooking demo. The only thing I haven’t showed you i…

[ad_1] Final result of my impromptu cooking demo. The only thing I haven’t showed you is adding kale and ? in my portion. The kids don’t like either of them so I do that separately ? – I’ll write the recipe for my blog tonight, but you can see how I cooked this on my…