The High Cost of Veganism: Myth or Reality?
By @charlotttequeenYes, being vegan can be expensive, BUT…

The High Cost of Veganism: Myth or Reality? By @charlotttequeenYes, being vegan can be expensive, BUT…

Them: bEiNg vEgaN iS toO eXpeNsiVE ✨⁠⠀ By @charlotttequeen ?⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Well… yes AND no! It really comes down to what you eat. I so often fall into the cycle of spending fortunes eating out, buying delicious *expensive* tubs of almond butter, and loading my freezer up with mock meats; but the truth is you…

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive! Mother Nature has do…

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive! Mother Nature has do…

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive! Mother Nature has done the job for you – you just have to experiment a little ?⠀⠀ —⠀⠀ Sharing this lovely, easy recipe by @wholesome.nutritionist ❤️⠀⠀ —⠀⠀ Quick 3 Ingredient Pancakes?⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ 1 – Just grab 1 ripe banana + 2 eggs, then mash the banana and…

“Being Vegan is so expensive”  Tag someone who needs this
Breakfast: 150g oat…

“Being Vegan is so expensive” Tag someone who needs this – Breakfast: 150g oat…

“Being Vegan is so expensive” ? Tag someone who needs this ??? – ✅Breakfast: 150g oats (540kcal/0,50€), 1 banana (180kcal/0,50€), 200ml almond milk (30kcal/0,40€) = 750kcal/1,40€ – ✅Lunch: 200g kidney beans (250kcal/0,90€), 100g rice (360kcal/0,30€), 1 taco (50kcal/0,30€), 1 tomato (10kcal/0,20€), 5 leaves romaine lettuce (almost 0 kcal/0,20€) = 670kcal/1,90€ – ✅Dinner: 200g whole grain…