Toronto is experiencing a massive heat wave with 42 degree Celsius temps, so thi…

Toronto is experiencing a massive heat wave with 42 degree Celsius temps, so thi…

Toronto is experiencing a massive heat wave with 42 degree Celsius temps, so this picture is definitely NOT from today ?‍♀️ Even so, on hot days I sometimes still find myself craving bowls of soup or pho like this one, is anyone else like this?! ✨ I like to keep it fresh with tons of…

Feeling constantly tired, experiencing brain fog or generally lacking a zest for…

Feeling constantly tired, experiencing brain fog or generally lacking a zest for…

Feeling constantly tired, experiencing brain fog or generally lacking a zest for life? There could be many reasons for that, but one of the most common reasons is anaemia. Now, non-genetic anaemia is not necessarily always due to low iron levels, it could also be due to low levels of vitamin B12 and folate. If…