Garlic-infused balsamic cherry tomatoes with chickpeas and fresh basil My new ob…

Garlic-infused balsamic cherry tomatoes with chickpeas and fresh basil My new ob…

?Garlic-infused balsamic cherry tomatoes with chickpeas and fresh basil? ☺️My new obsession. This recipe pairs perfectly with toast or pasta and requires very few ingredients. My kids and I were fighting over who gets the leftovers!!! Seriously!…and I won? ?Recipe: Add 2 tbsp olive oil and 4 sliced garlic cloves to a cast-iron Dutch oven…

Roasted garbanzos with garlic-infused balsamic cherry tomatoes and @lotusfoods b…

Roasted garbanzos with garlic-infused balsamic cherry tomatoes and @lotusfoods b…

?Roasted garbanzos with garlic-infused balsamic cherry tomatoes and @lotusfoods brown jasmine rice?Have a lovely Tuesday friends.? ?Recipe: Toss 1-15oz can chickpeas (rinsed, drained) with generous sprinkling of garlic salt and cayenne pepper. (Add a little olive oil if desired.) Roast at 400F until golden and slightly crispy. Meanwhile, add 2 tbsp olive oil and 4…