Hummus Toasts for #toasttuesday with all the goodies avocado waffled and sliced,…

Hummus Toasts for #toasttuesday with all the goodies avocado waffled and sliced,…

[ad_1] Hummus Toasts for #toasttuesday with all the goodies ????avocado waffled and sliced, homemade garlic hummus & beet hummus, EBTB seasoning from Trader Joe’s, fresh herbs from my container garden, fried shrooms, micro greens, cherry tomatoes, Mache greens, and black tahini drizzle. I’m definitely starting my week staycation off right ?Happy Tuesday! ? [ad_2] Source

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados + all the Goodies

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados + all the Goodies

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados + all the Goodies.Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible Message To Our Children. They Need To Know That Tacos Are An Option, No Matter What Day It Is. #TacoEveryday makes 4 servingsIngredients:4 medium avocados halved, pits removed1lb. lean ground turkey1/2 Tbsp chili powder1/2 tsp ground cumin seed1/2 tsp dried oregano2 fresh garlic…

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados with all the Goodies  Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible…

Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados with all the Goodies Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible…

[ad_1] Turkey Taco Stuffed Avocados with all the Goodies ?? Taco Tuesday Sends a Terrible Message To Our Children. They Need To Know That Tacos Are An Option, No Matter What Day It Is. #TacoEveryday makes 4 servings Ingredients: 4 medium avocados halved, pits removed 1lb. lean ground turkey 1/2 Tbsp chili powder 1/2 tsp…