Chickpea Massoman Curry
Remade this curry because I enjoyed it so much (and want…

Chickpea Massoman Curry Remade this curry because I enjoyed it so much (and want…

[ad_1] ?Chickpea Massoman Curry? Remade this curry because I enjoyed it so much (and wanted to share again as maybe it looked like cheese sauce in the previous pic). I was also short on time and this is an easy one to whip up. ?Recipe: Sauté 1 finely chopped yellow onion in a little neutral…

Chickpea Massoman Curry-loaded sweet potatoes
This curry pairs well with any typ…

Chickpea Massoman Curry-loaded sweet potatoes This curry pairs well with any typ…

[ad_1] ?Chickpea Massoman Curry-loaded sweet potatoes? This curry pairs well with any type of sweet potato. (I used Japanese sweet potatoes.) The sweetness of the potato compliments the bold flavor of the curry perfectly. I highly, highly recommend this combo. ?Recipe: (Bake sweet potatoes.) Sauté 1 finely chopped yellow onion in a little neutral oil…