You asked for it! (Okay, that sounded vaguely threatening… um….) Well, you speci…

You asked for it! (Okay, that sounded vaguely threatening… um….) Well, you speci…

[ad_1] You asked for it! (Okay, that sounded vaguely threatening… um….) Well, you specifically asked for FRUIT-SWEETENED recipes, and I made it! 🙂 Recipe link in my profile @beamingbaker⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Introducing my NEW recipe on the blog: 3 Ingredient Healthy No Sugar Added Paleo Energy Balls (V, GF): a fruit-sweetened recipe for salty ‘n sweet…

Pink Swirl Pancakes for brekky
Felt like making my non-girly girls a girly break…

Pink Swirl Pancakes for brekky Felt like making my non-girly girls a girly break…

[ad_1] ?Pink Swirl Pancakes for brekky Felt like making my non-girly girls a girly breakfast! Two of my girls live in soccer clothing (though they hardly play soccer) and the other likes boho dresses only. Pink is not ‘cool’ any more. I miss pink. . ??Recipe: Process 1 c rolled oats until like flour. Add…