Small and playful fruit “pops” for a festive St. Patrick’s Day celebration.

Small and playful fruit “pops” for a festive St. Patrick’s Day celebration.

Fun lil’ fruit “pops” for a St. Patrick’s day party. ? Simply thread cubed green honeydew onto large wooden sticks, as the base – then kiwi + strawberry. ? Are you looking to add a fun and festive touch to your St. Patrick’s Day party this year? Look no further than these adorable fruit “pops”…

Credit @plantyou⠀
WATERMELON POPS! Light, refreshing, citrusy and delicious. …

Credit @plantyou⠀ .⠀ WATERMELON POPS! Light, refreshing, citrusy and delicious. …

?Credit @plantyou⠀ .⠀ ☀️WATERMELON POPS! Light, refreshing, citrusy and delicious. What else can you ask for on a hot summer day?⠀ .⠀ ?Better yet these pops are super easy to make. Blend the listed ingredients, pour into approximately 8 small popsicle molds, and freeze until solid!⠀ .⠀ ✔️Tag a watermelon lover below.⠀ .⠀ ?Hope you’ll…

Dark Chocolate Watermelon Pops {After School Snacks • Cinco de Mayo • Summertime…

Dark Chocolate Watermelon Pops {After School Snacks • Cinco de Mayo • Summertime…

[ad_1] Dark Chocolate Watermelon Pops {After School Snacks • Cinco de Mayo • Summertime • BBQ’S • Parties }??? Ingredients: 1 small watermelon 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips, melted 2-3 Tbsp sliced almonds 2 Tbsp unsweetened dried coconut flakes 2 Tbsp chopped raw pistachios Instructions: 1) Cut watermelon into wedges of whatever desired size you…

Frozen Kiwi-Chocolate Pops = Summer FUN
{These are a really FUN project to make …

Frozen Kiwi-Chocolate Pops = Summer FUN {These are a really FUN project to make …

[ad_1] Frozen Kiwi-Chocolate Pops = Summer FUN? {These are a really FUN project to make with the kids…children LOVE being involved in the kitchen!}??? . ?Pin it! Peel & slice ripe kiwi into 1 inch thick slices . . {use 4 kiwi for 8-10 pops} Carefully thread the kiwi onto thick popsicle sticks. Lay…

REAL Frozen Yogurt Fruit Pops {NEW}
{ We have 1 OFFICIAL last weekend of Summer…

REAL Frozen Yogurt Fruit Pops {NEW} { We have 1 OFFICIAL last weekend of Summer…

[ad_1] REAL Frozen Yogurt Fruit Pops {NEW} ??? { We have 1 OFFICIAL last weekend of Summer 2018 (Summer 2018 in Northern Hemisphere began on Thursday, June 21and ends on Saturday, September 22)! Celebrate our yearly gift of long-sunshine + adventure-filled days with THESE delicious REAL fruit pops, or create your own! #HappyWeekend . makes 6 servings…