Aim for a balance of carbs, protein and health…

POST-WORKOUT SNACK TIPS ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Aim for a balance of carbs, protein and health…

POST-WORKOUT SNACK TIPS ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✔️Aim for a balance of carbs, protein and healthy fats (unless you’re on a lower carb diet) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✔️Don’t go overboard. Post workout hunger can cause people to eat more cals than they’ve burned- ok if you’re trying to bulk to gain muscle but counter productive if you’re trying to lose…

Protein is the main macro that us fee satisfied. So, if you are super hungry the…

Protein is the main macro that us fee satisfied. So, if you are super hungry the…

Protein is the main macro that us fee satisfied. So, if you are super hungry then including at least 10g of protein in your snack will be a way to keep you fuller for longer. Here are some of my go-tos. ​ ​You can download my full #SatisfyingSnacks guide via the link in my bio. …

Execusess are for those whom the #succeeding process is not important enough. #S…

Execusess are for those whom the #succeeding process is not important enough. #S…

[ad_1] Execusess are for those whom the #succeeding process is not important enough. #Student, worker or aged man, there is always a way to achieve it. The #proteins as #macronutrients are the key for a good shape. And, there are #proteinsnacks who won’t stop you, but will help yo to get your #summerbody .⠀ .⠀…