Spring rolls and #cleaningoutthefridge! I added a rainbow of veggies, baked tofu…

Spring rolls and #cleaningoutthefridge! I added a rainbow of veggies, baked tofu…

[ad_1] Spring rolls and #cleaningoutthefridge! I added a rainbow of veggies, baked tofu, and chick peas. I also used cellophane noodles and colored one batch with a homemade natural blue food coloring ?Served with @wholefoods peanut sauce Inspired by the fabulous @elavegan Happy Friday ? * I’m also entering these rainbow spring rolls into the…

Hey Friends! I’m taking an IG Spring Break. Everything is good in RL, I’m just i…

Hey Friends! I’m taking an IG Spring Break. Everything is good in RL, I’m just i…

[ad_1] Hey Friends! I’m taking an IG Spring Break. Everything is good in RL, I’m just in need of a social media detox and a bit more balance in my life. Peace, love, and a Happy Spring to all. See ya in a couple of weeks GO VEGAN!!• ✌?❤️ • •LOADED NACHOS ?: Nacho cheese…

Craving this deconstructed veggie spring roll bowl right about now  This bowl is…

Craving this deconstructed veggie spring roll bowl right about now This bowl is…

[ad_1] Craving this deconstructed veggie spring roll bowl right about now ✨ This bowl is such a great mix of fresh, nutrient dense and satisfying that I love making it for a quick dinner or lunch ??. . To make ??: cube a block of extra firm tofu, and toss it in 2 tsp garlic…

Spring Tuna Salad
Isn’t this pretty!!?
{Perfect for potlucks, or make-ahead lun…

Spring Tuna Salad Isn’t this pretty!!? {Perfect for potlucks, or make-ahead lun…

[ad_1] Spring Tuna Salad ? Isn’t this pretty!!? {Perfect for potlucks, or make-ahead lunches!} Makes 4-5 servings Ingredients: 2 cups brown rice, cooked 2 cans tuna in spring water 1 cup frozen organic peas, defrosted 2 red peppers, diced 1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut into halves 5 green onions, finely sliced a bunch of parsley…

Bright Tuna Nicoise Salad
Niçoise salads just SCREAM Spring!  Don’t you think!!?…

Bright Tuna Nicoise Salad Niçoise salads just SCREAM Spring!  Don’t you think!!?…

[ad_1] Bright Tuna Nicoise Salad Niçoise salads just SCREAM Spring! ? Don’t you think!!? This makes for a balanced meal anytime of day! And…I bet you have all the ingredients on hand right now! ? Ingredients: Makes 4 servings 4 small, new potatoes, unpeeled and cut into wedges 2 Tbsps avocado or olive oil plus 2 tsp…

Jugó Verde


[ad_1] SUMMER IS AROUND THE CORNER. SO HAVE YOUR GREEN JUICE ? Jugó Verde ? . . .Spinach ? Espinacas ? .Green Apple ? Manzana Verde ? .Orange ?Narajas ? . . . #greenjuice #gogreen #healthyjuice #healthylifestyle #healthy #healthydrinks #jugosverdes #jugossaludables #salud #spring #springcleanse #naturaljuice #healthyrecipes #healthysnacks #healthyhabits #fruitslover #fruits [ad_2] Source

TORTA CAROTE E COCCO ?? Con una delle mie torte preferite in assoluto partecipo …

[ad_1] TORTA CAROTE E COCCO ??? Con una delle mie torte preferite in assoluto partecipo al #aprileacolori di @giovyamoreincucina e @funghettocucina ? Questa è una ricetta SENZA BURRO E SENZA OLIO! Perfetta quindi anche agli intolleranti al lattosio e chi si sta preparando per la #provacostume ? Poi é umida, profumata, colorata.. insomma la adoro?…