10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

“With a healthy diet and only moderate weight loss and reduction in blood pressure, you can see regression of plaque that naturally progresses over the years.” – Iris Shai


What is Vascular Occlusion?
Atherosclerosis is caused by the excessive accumulation of fat in the veins.
All organs in the human body need oxygen. Therefore, a sufficient amount of oxygen-carrying blood is needed.
Atherosclerosis in any part of the body causes oxygen deprivation in the organs.
Atherosclerosis can be corrected with doctor’s intervention and regular nutrition. Especially vitamin C deficiency causes damage to the vascular walls.
Even if vascular occlusion, which is seen in many people in our country, is treated, it can reoccur if it is not fed properly.

“Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common diseases in the world and carry the risk of death. Nutrition and sports habits acquired at an early age are one of the methods of preventing these diseases. Some foods also eliminate the problems that cause vascular occlusion and clean the veins.”

10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

1-Olive oil

Olive oil, which is one of the key nutrients of a healthy life, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 50 percent in regular use. Olive oil, which is often recommended by experts, protects the heart thanks to the antioxidants in it and also eliminates ailments such as blood pressure.


Almond, which is a panacea, cleans the blood paths in the veins and makes the heart healthier. It is recommended as a vascular and heart-friendly food thanks to its monounsaturated fat, fiber and antioxidant contents.


Cinnamon is a complete antioxidant store, thanks to its lowering and balancing of blood sugar. In this way, it cleans the vascular pathways leading to the heart and prevents the formation of blockages. Cinnamon reduces the risk of vascular disease by 26 percent when consumed as much as 1 teaspoon a day.


Oat, which is a complete fiber store, cleans the heart and vascular pathways when consumed regularly. In addition, oats, which lowers cholesterol, are extremely beneficial for health, especially when consumed at lunch.

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As can be understood from its color, pomegranate, which is a heart-friendly fruit, ensures that the vessels in our body work more actively and for a long time. Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, pomegranate can become the secret of a healthy life with regular use.


Turmeric, which can be used in meals or consumed as tea, cleans the veins and also helps to eliminate problems such as atherosclerosis.


Broccoli, which is a storehouse of iron, vitamins and minerals, is extremely rich in vitamin K and fiber. It balances the calcium rate in the veins and eliminates cholesterol.

8-Green tea

Known especially for its effectiveness against stress, green tea is also heart and vascular friendly. It is very important for your vascular health to use this tea, which is very rich in antioxidants, one glass a day.


One of the benefits of arugula, which gives energy and helps you get rid of toxins, is that it cleans the veins. Eating one or two rockets a week is very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

10- Garlic

Garlic is grown in many parts of the world and is known for its strong smell.
It is a bulbous plant of the genus Allium. It belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family.
It is popularly known as a natural antibiotic. It is good for many health problems.
It contains rich vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamins B6 and C.
The active compounds in garlic lower blood pressure. It is among the vasodilating plants.
It is good for colds and reduces the risk of heart disease. It improves cholesterol level.
It can be consumed in cooked meals or with teas to take advantage of its many benefits.
It is recommended to be consumed fresh to prevent vitamin loss.
Taking garlic extract prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which causes atherosclerosis and plaque formation in the arteries.

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