Dukan makarnası bu kadar olur yukaf kepeğinden iyidir :) #dukan #dukanrecipe #sh…
Dukan makarnası bu kadar olur yukaf kepeğinden iyidir 🙂 #dukan #dukanrecipe #shirataki
[ad_1] Yoğurt kürü Normal tarifim 4y.k.az yağlı yoğurt(ev yoğurdu kullaniyorum) 1cay.k.toz zencefil 1cay.k.zerdecal(hamle ve emzirenler katmasın) 1cay.k.tarcin 1cay.k.zeytinyagi Sahur için kepek hakkımı tüketirken besleyici ve tok tutsun diye ilave olarak yulaf kepeği Buğday kepegi(şart değil,günlük 1y.k.izinli) 1tatli.k.chia tohumu 1tatli.k.dovulmus keten tohumu 1tane ceviz ici kullandim. [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Le petit déjeuner aux Crunchy pépites…
[ad_1] RECEITA: Escondidinho de frango cremoso Dukan Ingredientes: 700g de queijo cottage; 100g de mozarela light; 600g de peito de frango desfiado; 200g de requeijão zero; tempero a gosto. Eu usei chimichurri, pimenta calabresa e ervas finas da @estreladacozinha Modo de fazer: cozinhar o frango com os condimentos que achar melhor e reserve; misturar pimenta…
[ad_1] What 5 Veggie Servings Looks Like – get an idea of what your dinner should look like. [ad_2] Source by sparkpeople ALSO READ Le petit déjeuner aux Crunchy pépites saveur Caramel Dukan, et on peut attaquer …
[ad_1] Fettuccine Alfredo is simply the perfect feel-good dish! My Pasta Alfredo is incredibly creamy and delicious, without any butter and cream. One of my favorite pasta recipes! #vegan #vegetarian #noodles via veganheaven.de [ad_2] Source by natalievacek ALSO READ Le petit déjeuner aux Crunchy pépites saveur Caramel Dukan, et on peut attaquer …
[ad_1] Vegan Cinnamon Banana Crumble Muffins – ECO•MOM•ICAL [ad_2] Source by ellicamelli ALSO READ Le petit déjeuner aux Crunchy pépites saveur Caramel Dukan, et on peut attaquer …
[ad_1] These incredible detox water recipes not only help with bloating and digestion but can DOUBLE your weight loss for that flat tummy of your dreams. They also have anti-aging benefits and much, much more! #detoxwater #detoxdrinks #detoxwaterrecipes [ad_2] Source by newbaby727 ALSO READ Le petit déjeuner aux Crunchy pépites saveur Caramel Dukan, et on…