Fight Diabetes with Your Fork!
Did you know that a healthy diet, plus weight loss and exercise, is twice as effective as medication at reversing prediabetes and preventing type 2 diabete #diabeticlifestyle
Did you know that a healthy diet, plus weight loss and exercise, is twice as effective as medication at reversing prediabetes and preventing type 2 diabete #diabeticlifestyle
[ad_1] The cucumber and tomato salad goes fast, is low carb, gluten free and sugar free. It is suitable as a side dish but also as a main meal. [ad_2] Source by moltzahnkonrad ALSO READ Versez 1/2 litre d’eau dans une grande casserole et ajoutez-y le citron, le pime…
[ad_1] Clean Eating Overhaul: 30-Day Weight Loss Program – eat clean and lose weight along the way! [ad_2] Source by AssUnicorn ALSO READ Versez 1/2 litre d’eau dans une grande casserole et ajoutez-y le citron, le pime…
[ad_1] Keto Zucchini Bacon Bites – #Bacon #Bites #Keto #Zucchini [ad_2] Source by michaelaszabel ALSO READ Versez 1/2 litre d’eau dans une grande casserole et ajoutez-y le citron, le pime…
[ad_1] Вот такой тортик получился из набора дюкановских продуктов.☺️ Естественно, вкус тоже дюкановский.??? Коржи: 4 ст. л. овсяных отрубей и 2 ст. л. пшеничных отрубей смолоть в муку. 6 ст. л. сухого молока обжарить до золотистого цвета и тоже смолоть. Все смешать, добавить 1 ст. л. кукурузного крахмала, аромик, 4 желтка, 150 мл. кефира, сахзам,…
[ad_1] 2019.3.28 兒子突然迷上手作,用紙做東西,旅途中聽到爸媽從來沒慶祝過結婚紀念日,說什麼也要做點東西送我們,還說要幫忙準備早餐,給媽媽當禮物。還沒回到家,就一直想著要做什麼做什麼的。 回到家隔天的早餐,本來要做三明治,但是材料不夠,只好跟他商量,改天再做,但是這孩子決定了,真的很難動搖他,媽媽不想吃奇怪三明治,只好說服他,塗花生醬在吐司上就好,他則是提議要塗個“愛心”的形狀。兒子的繪畫,現在是走印象派畫風,塗了兩刀就收手,愛心圖案還是媽媽雞婆補齊的。 然後他這兩天持續做禮物的行程,都沒空理我們(殊不知,這其實才是最好的禮物!!)一有空,就拿紙,剪剪貼貼,畫圖案。昨天終於收到他的禮物箱,還要按圖索驥,玩藏寶遊戲,才找得到禮物。當然禮物藏在哪,爸媽都知道,也是很配合的演一場。箱子上畫了爸媽的臉,這臉畫的真可愛,雖然跟爸媽一點都不像… 箱子裡放了媽媽最愛的廚房道具,鍋子,有模有樣,雞蛋還可以,媽媽剛好有芹菜給他參考著做,其餘那些蔬菜和食材,其實媽媽也看不太出來,沒關係,心意有到就好,爸爸的禮物箱裡,只有簡單幾樣東西,不如媽媽的豐富,衝浪板、帆船,那帆船還做得真不錯!!兩個箱子裡都放有愛心,花了兩天做的東西,真的很有愛,來,媽媽親一百下~ #we早起吃早餐 #早餐 #breakfast #morningslikethese #cookingathome #kitchenlife #あさごはん #朝ごはん #朝食 #healthyfood #healthymenu #eatingathome #homecooking #おうちごはん #おうちご飯 #onthetable #foodphoto #KURASHIRU #KAUMO #foodstagram #foodinsta #f52grams [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Versez 1/2 litre d’eau dans une grande casserole et ajoutez-y le citron, le pime…
[ad_1] Spicy Shrimp and Green Peppers Skillet ?? . by @eatwell101 Super quick and easy to make and loaded with flavor. This Shrimp and Green Bell Peppers Skillet is a delicious one-pan meal that’s ready in only 15 minutes. Jumbo shrimps are marinated in jerk seasoning and sauteed in one pan with garlic, onion and…