My Diet Is Better Than Yours: Could Abel James’ Wild Diet Work for You
My Diet Is Better Than Yours: Could Abel James’ Wild Diet Work for You? – Life by Daily Burn
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My Diet Is Better Than Yours: Could Abel James’ Wild Diet Work for You? – Life by Daily Burn
2019.4.7 氣溫上升,室溫25度左右,做麵包初發已經不需要發酵箱,日照時間也長了,晚餐六點左右開飯,還不太需要開燈,窗前的櫻花炸開,現在這時候的氣候,是一年最舒服的時候。 也終於熬到了明天開學日,不要怪我這幾天為何脾氣變暴躁,每天和臭小子拼搏,還要忍受他這階段超激(機)人的說話方式⋯⋯常常氣的我頭都快冒煙了! 我要學學某教養專家,如果兩天內,我都可以心平氣和的跟他說話不動怒(這並不表示他做得很好,而是老娘修養有到)的話,我就要自己去外面喝杯咖啡,或是買個什麼當作自己幹得好的犒賞了~ #we少肉多菜的晚餐 #晚餐 #dinner #日日家常 #在家吃 #家常菜 #dinnertime #dinnertonight #cookingathome #kitchenlife #inthekitchen #晩ごはん #healthyfood #healtheyliving #healthymenu #eatingathome #homecooking #おうちごはん #おうちご飯 #onthetable #foodphoto #foodpic #f52grams #KURASHIRU #KAUMO #foodoftheday Source
Homemade green spinach #tortillas with 3 ingredients. The recipe is #healthy, #glutenfree, #vegan, wheat-free, corn-free, great for kids, and easy to make. Perfect for Source by bribrnyi
Repost from @dukanevida using @RepostRegramApp – Noiteeeee!!! Filé com creme de palmito! Porque dia de comer legumes é dia de festa! Filé cortado grosso, temperado com sal e pimenta-do-reino. Para o creme: refogue 1 cebola picadinha, 1 dente de alho, 1 vidro de palmito cortado em cubos, acrescente requeijão light e deixe ferver. Pode substituir…
68 Ideas for diet dukan plan attack 68 Ideas for diet dukan plan attack #diet Source by pdr
Καλημέρα με καινούργιο βίντεο από το κανάλι μας στο YouTube-Go Diet! Δείτε αναλυτικά την συνταγή στο σάιτ μας ➡️ Σουφλέ πρωτεΐνης ? #dukansgirls #dukanforever #dukanlifestyle #dukanlife #linkinbio #dukan #dukandiet #dukanfood #dukandieta #dukanrecipes Source
As a creamy filling in the middle of a halved avocado, salmon, cucumber, creamy cream cheese, a little horseradish and chives are an unbeatable team. Source by springlanede