Lamb Roast with Mint Sauce

Lamb Roast with Mint Sauce

I’d never made a Lamb Roast before so this was new for me. And it turned out fantastic!

  • 1lb lamb
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • rosemary
  • tbs dijon mustard
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • 1tbs oat bran
  • fresh ground salt & pepper

For the Mint Sauce

  • 1 bunch mint
  • 1tsp artificial sweetener
  • 1tbs hot water
  • 3 tbs malt vinegar


First I got a good chunk of lamb from the butchers, I asked for a healthy 2 servings. Once at home, I preheated the oven to 180c and tried to cut off as much fat as I could.  I then rubbed the garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper into the roast, then mixed up the lemon juice, dijon mustard and oatbran and smeared it on top of the roast. Then popped it all in the oven and cooked for 2 hours. That was it! When fished I let it rest for 10 minutes before devouring it.

While the lamb was roasting away I mixed up the mint sauce, this couldn’t have been easier.

  1. Chop the mint as fine as possible
  2. Put it all in a jar
  3. add sweetener
  4. add hot water
  5. lid and shake until sweetener disoved
  6. add vinegar, lid and let sit.

This meal was fantastic, just try to avoid the fatty bits! I can’t wait till I can have it again with some roast potatoes and carrots!


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