100 Calorie Snacks Ideas
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100 Calorie Snacks Ideas . Tag a friend who would like to see this . Following…


100 Calorie Snacks Ideas ?
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Following a Vegan diet encourages you to be more adventurous in the food department.

You can no longer whip up the traditional 3 egg, 1 stick of butter cookie recipes that are so easily accessible to everyone.

It requires some digging and finding what kind of substitutions you can make so you’re not missing out on any flavor.

The vegan community has been growing at a fast rate which means there are so many more recourses available to everyone.

Finding alternatives is no longer considered a daunting or hard task.

Eating vegan meals can be easy, can be delicious and we are going to show you just that. 
Snacks are the key food item that helps us feel tied over in between meals but they are also great pairings for getting us through emotional events or just a movie time treat.

Here are some 9 guilt-free vegan snacks that are 100 calories or less.
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RP @veganfitlyfe
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