375kcal. Salade composée; Salade 100g Tomates 30g Avocat 95g Mais 30 g Mozzarell…

Salade composée;
Salade 100g
Tomates 30g
Avocat 95g
Mais 30 g
Mozzarella 20g
Olives 20g
Jambon 25g
Œuf dur 50g
Sauce à base de vinaigre balsamique 15g.
Je n’ai pas encore atteint les 1100 calories ce soir je m’accorderai donc certainement un bon petit dessert ?

#objectifmoins30kg #obesite #stop #alimentation #saine #reequilibragealimentaire #lsdp #lesecretdupoids #bienmanger #mieuxmanger #maigrir #perdredupoids #diet #dietfood #passionnourriture #futureancienneobese #motivation #regime #heathylife #healthy #foodhealthy #mom #reallife #nocanvassing #lille #hdf #north #france


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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