Answer this question
If I told you that a medicine had about a 95% chance th

Answer this question . If I told you that a medicine had about a 95% chance th

Answer this question
If I told you that a medicine had about a 95% chance th

Answer this question ?
If I told you that a medicine had about a 95% chance that it would NOT, would actually cause harm, and that we had other options to improve your health…. Would you take that medicine?
Probs not right?! So why are we doing the same thing with dieting and “lifestyles”?!
Many people feel embarrassed to say “….I know diets don’t work but I still want to diet!” and that’s understandable. We’ve been conditioned to think getting thinner is:
✨ In our total control
✨ Surely to bring happiness
✨ Where confidence comes from
But the reality is that none of those things are true. Leaning to reject diet culture and take the focus off of your weight is an entirely new belief system that we need to LEARN. Rather, we need to un-learn diet culture’s bogus nonsense!
So, if you’re struggling with letting go of the diet mentality and striving to shrink your body then head to the link in my bio and read my blog post on how to improve body image. It’ll be so helpful in your intuitive eating journey!


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