Which tip did you need the most?! Comment below! . Only making a broccoli chri
Which tip did you need the most?! ? Comment below!
Only making a broccoli christmas tree veggie tray ? does not a healthy holiday make. ?♀️ Stressing over food, “cutting back” and feeling guilty after eating a piece of fudge is likely to be worse for your health by raising stress and cortisol than just eating the peanut brittle in a way that feels good. ? Srsly.
Health does not mean solely thinking about nutrients. Health means, yes, fueling your body in a way that feels good but that means both physically and mentally.❤️
I got the question last week of ➡️ “isn’t intuitive eating just the way unhealthy people eat?”
Big ol N-O, folks. ? Intuitive eaters, those who consider their mental and physical health, listen to their body and don’t follow bogus diet culture food rules actually end up with a wider nutrient intake, lower levels of fat in the blood, decreased heart disease risk, improved optimism, greater self esteem and heightened body satisfaction…. Need I go on? ? Intuitive eating IS healthy eating.
Much of what you see online disguised as “healthy eating” tips are actually just disordered eating tips meant to keep you trapped in the diet cycle. Cause, if you didn’t know, that industry makes BANK.
The holidays are stressful enough we don’t need to add stress to our plate by trying to implement silly food rules that aren’t actually even healthy.
Link in bio to snag my full intuitive eating healthy holiday tip sheet for more! ?