Dijon Balsamic Turkey with Garlic Parmesan Red Potatoes. Recipe is below @themea…

Dijon Balsamic Turkey with Garlic Parmesan Red Potatoes. Recipe is below @themea…


Dijon Balsamic Turkey with Garlic Parmesan Red Potatoes. Recipe is below @themealprepmanual⁣

2lbs (908g) ground turkey 93/7⁣
1.5lbs (681g) red potatoes ⁣
2 medium (500g) zucchini⁣
2 small (300g) red peppers ⁣
1/4 cup (60g) balsamic vinegar ⁣
1.5 tbsp (32g) honey ⁣
1.5 tbsp (22.5g) Dijon mustard ⁣
2 tbsp (30g) olive oil ⁣
~1/3 cup (56g) grated Parmesan cheese⁣
2 tbsp (30g) minced garlic ⁣
1/2 (100g) sweet onion ⁣
Salt and pepper ⁣

1. Preheat oven to 425F. ⁣
2. Wash and cut potatoes into 1” pieces. Add to a large bowl with 1 tbsp oil, salt and pepper, 1 tbsp garlic and ~1/3 cup grated Parmesan. Toss to coat. ⁣
3. Add potatoes to a greased sheet pan and bake for 15 minutes, flip and cook an additional 10. ⁣
4. While the potatoes are cooking, dice the onion and sauté with the garlic a few minutes. ⁣
5. Add the turkey and brown. ⁣
6. Mix together the honey, balsamic, and mustard. Add to the turkey once all the water from the meat has boiled off. Season with salt and pepper to taste. ⁣
7. Cut the zucchini and peppers into 1 inch chunks. Sauté in oil until soft. Season to taste. ⁣
8. Divide your ingredients evenly 5 ways. Top with balsamic glaze if you wish. Nutrition for each dish is as follows: 545 CALS. 44g C | 45g P | 21g F⁣

The weight gain portion follows this same recipe except cut the zucchini to 300g and the peppers to 200g. Increase the potatoes to 2.5lbs total. You’ll also increase the Parmesan and garlic by 40% to 78g and 21g respectively. Add an extra 1 tbsp of oil. ⁣

The weight loss portion omits the potatoes and related ingredients. Increase the total zucchini weight to 600g and the pepper weight to 400g. ⁣

❓I don’t have ground turkey in my country. ⁣
❗️Use ground beef or ground chicken. ⁣

❓Can I use russet potatoes?⁣
❗️So obviously yes. ⁣

❓How many servings does this make?⁣
❗️It says 5 in the caption just like it always does. ⁣

❓Exactly how much do I put in each dish?⁣
❗️I will never understand this question. Just spilt all of the ingredients evenly 5 ways. Why make it more difficult on yourself? You’re going to eat them all by the end of the week anyway so does it really matter? No. ⁣

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