Credit- @fitandfedbysteph–
Are you hungry an hour after breakfast? It could b…

Credit- @fitandfedbysteph– Are you hungry an hour after breakfast? It could b…

Credit- @fitandfedbysteph–
Are you hungry an hour after breakfast? It could b…

Credit- @fitandfedbysteph

? Are you hungry an hour after breakfast? It could be your food choice!

Meals that are primarily carbs (I.e., plain oatmeal, cereal, pancakes) tend to not keep us full for very long

Beat the mid-morning hunger by switching it up for a more balanced and satisfying meal!

You can 100% have carbs, just make sure you include protein, healthy fat, and fiber, which all help to keep you full for longer

? On the right is my go-to breakfast – can’t beat sweet & savory combos! Use regular toast if you’d like, I’m just loving the @baseculture keto cinnamon raisin one right now!

You can also add some protein powder and nut butter to your oatmeal. If you want pancakes or cereal, have a small serving with a veggie & egg scramble on the side

? What’s your favorite satisfying breakfast?
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