Overeating is a problem almost everyone faces at one point or another, and an un…

Overeating is a problem almost everyone faces at one point or another, and an un…


Overeating is a problem almost everyone faces at one point or another, and an unexpected binge can feel incredibly frustrating. Even worse, it can cause your motivation and morale to tank, sometimes leading to an endless cycle that can completely derail your progress. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Incorporating a few healthy habits into your routine can help you persevere. We will give you 6 tips to get back on track after an unplanned binge.⠀
?Don’t panic! It’s not a crime to indulge. You’re only human, after all. So if you’re feeling bloated, and mad at yourself for overdoing it, just stop. Dwelling on your binge will only make you more upset, which could lead to emotional bouts of overeating down the road. Moving past the guilt is the first step toward getting back on track.⠀
?Stay hydrated. Staying hydrated supports a healthy metabolism, making recovery more manageable for the body. Drink a large glass before bed and a few large glasses the next morning. It’s also advisable to keep a water bottle by your side over the next two days. Doing so will help flush out any excess salt that’s making you bloated.⠀
?Go for a workout. Exercising after a binge can help you get back on track. It may influence hormones that affect hunger and can improve your mood. Develop a regular exercise routine to help prevent yourself from binge eating in the future.⠀
?Fill up on veggies.Get back on track after a binge by filling up on vegetables. They’re high in fiber and may help promote weight loss and feelings of fullness.⠀
?Sleep it off. Sleep deprivation has been associated with increased food intake. It may also alter levels of hormones that influence hunger. Aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night.⠀
?Avoid skipping meals. Skipping meals may increase hunger and appetite, leading to a higher risk of overeating. Adhering to a regular eating pattern may be associated with less binge eating.⠀
Which other tips would you give a friend after binge eating?⠀

❤ via @MealPrepOnfleek ⠀

#mealprep #healthy #health #healthyeating #fitfam #clean⠀

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